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It’s a girl – Welcome Julie Dockx!


Who am I?

I’m Julie, usually just enjoying life. How? Laughing, tasting food & drinks, lifelong learning and sometimes going for a run. My latest new hobby is (believe it or not) learning myself how to sew clothes. I’m educated as a marketeer and business communicator. My first job in transportation was a good learning school but no longer met my needs. I wanted some new challenges ever since I moved out, have had a first job, … . So here I am, at Fourcast!

Why did I make the move to Fourcast?

When I was searching for some new challenges I decided to look for a new job. I didn’t only searched for the job itself but also for a company that suits me well.  The benefit of a young and innovative company like Fourcast is that because of their ambition you have a chance to grow/develop yourself in your function. So they want you to be innovative as well and stimulate lifelong learning. Since I was looking for something new, Fourcast seemed to be a great opportunity. And except for that, who would say ‘no’ to a Change Management Consultant-vacancy in a company where she’ll be the first woman.   

What’s Google’s #1 strength for you?

As I have no technical knowledge about Google yet, my experience only concerns the way of working it offers. Everyone got to know Google as the search engine when they still were children. But when I registered for a Google-account a whole new world opened up to me. Google gives you to ability to have access to all your main documents, photo’s, … and persons anywhere. As more and more people are working remotely (or want to) Google has everything they will need. I am convinced that if more and more people will make use of Google Apps, everyone’s job will be easier and they will be happier than before.