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Devoteam GCD 2024

3 October 2024 – Google Brussels

Enjoy an agenda full of inspiring roundtables and customers on stage like Melexis, Deliverect, Fednot, UZ Leuven and more. Discover how to achieve real-world success with Google Cloud.

Devoteam GCD 2024


3 October 2024 – Google Brussels


Discover the power of innovation


Connect with peers, like-minded professionals and our Google Cloud experts to get inspired and ready for the future.


Participate in knowledge sharing sessions and explore how other organisations benefit from Google Cloud.


Join for an evening of networking and dining in the heart of the tech world.

The power of innovation


Connect with peers, like-minded professionals and our Google Cloud experts to get inspired and ready for the future.


Participate in knowledge sharing sessions and explore how other organisations benefit from Google Cloud.


Join for an evening of networking and dining in the heart of the tech world.

Join our Google Cloud experts and customers

Ready to dive into hot Cloud topics like AI & ML, Data & Analytics, IT infrastructure and application modernisation, Work Transformation and Google Cloud security? Then this event is for you!

Success stories on stage

Success stories on stage
Hear the challenges and learn from companies such as UZ Leuven, Melexis, Fednot, Deliverect and more.

Success stories on stage

Knowledge sessions
Top Google Cloud experts from Google, Devoteam & customers will share their knowledge and experience in Google Cloud solutions-focused sessions and discussions.

Networking opportunities

Networking opportunities
Discuss the current trends, uncover networking possibilities with industry experts, Googlers and peers. And participate in the discussions on the latest problems & solutions driving your industry.

Business opportunities

Unlock business potential
Explore cutting-edge cloud solutions that can help you stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive advantage.

Dive Deeper at GCD 2024

Take a sneak peek at GCD and discover what awaits you at Google Brussels. This exclusive event promises an experience, where you’ll gain insights from industry leaders, network with peers, and explore the transformative power of Google Cloud. Don’t miss this opportunity to ignite your innovation journey – register today!

Discover the full program

This event is all about getting inspired, networking and listening to a great storyline.


12:30 pm – 1:00 pm


1:00 pm – 1:40 pm

Melexis’s Gemini Enablement: Key Takeaways for Driving Adoption

1:50 pm – 2:30 pm

CIO Panel with Fednot, Melexis and Deliverect

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm


3:00 pm – 3:40 pm

Healthcare Data in Google Cloud: UZ Leuven’s Experience

3:50 pm – 4:30 pm

To Be Announced

4:40 pm – 5:30 pm

To Be Announced

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Afterwork drinks


Gain invaluable insights from our lineup of speakers, including Google Cloud leaders, industry experts, and Google Cloud customers who will share their success stories and real-world experiences.

Koen Bosmans

Koen Bosmans
Senior Systems Manager

Session: Melexis’s Gemini Enablement: Key Takeaways for Driving Adoption

Veerle Lozie

Veerle Lozie

Session: CIO Panel with Fednot, Deliverect & Melexis.

Ludovic Vandercammen

Bjorn Van Reet

Session: CIO Panel with Fednot, Deliverect & Melexis.

Ludovic Vandercammen

Jan Hollez

Session: CIO Panel with Fednot, Deliverect & Melexis.

Ludovic Vandercammen

Leo Denissen
Head of Software Development
UZ Leuven

Healthcare Data in Google Cloud: UZ Leuven’s Experience.

Ludovic Vandercammen

Michel Feron
IT Team Lead
UZ Leuven

Healthcare Data in Google Cloud: UZ Leuven’s Experience.

The Location for Innovation

Explore Google Brussels

Enjoy the great and educational atmosphere during the event @Google Brussels

Our partner


Google Cloud

Event details

Date: October 3th 2024
Starting at 12:30 pm

Location: Google Brussels
Chau. d’Etterbeek 180, 1040 Brussel

  • Park your car @Parking Jourdan 1 or Forte Dei Marmi