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What’s new with IT infrastructure and apps with Google Cloud?

This article explores the latest updates about IT infrastructure and apps with Google Cloud from the first months of 2024. Focusing on VMware Engine, modern infra cloud, developer tools such as Gemini, and advanced storage solutions to leverage business efficiency and cost reduction. Discover insights from Google Cloud’s yearly flagship event, Google Cloud Next 2024!

Empowering Cloud-Computing innovation with advanced infrastructures

VMware Engine: enhanced flexibility and cost savings

Following Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware and their strategic partnership with Google, license portability between on-premises environments and GCV is now a reality. 

Version 5.1 allows seamless license migration, making leveraging VMware solutions within Google Cloud simpler and more cost-effective. Broadcom also plans to integrate additional products and services into the Google Cloud marketplace, facilitating effortless scaling of Broadcom offerings for your organisation. Here’s what you need to know:

  • License portability: VMware license portability allows you to move licenses from on-premises to Google Cloud, making your solutions more accessible, cost-effective, and scalable.
  • Integration: Fully integrated with Google Cloud services like Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Logging, and BigQuery.
  • Cost efficiency: Moving licenses to the cloud saves up to 35% of total costs.
Discover the benefits how Google Cloud VMware engine to elevate your IT infrastructure and app modernisation
Benefits of Google Cloud VMare Engine

IT Infrastrucre and apps with Google Cloud: A new era for compute engine

Improved performance and efficiency with Google Axion’s processors

Google Cloud introduced several innovations to improve the performance and efficiency of modern infrastructure. Google’s Axion processors represent a significant leap forward in data centres performance. Google redesigned these custom Arm-based CPUs to deliver superior performance and efficiency, setting new industry benchmarks.

  • Arm-based processors: Google introduces its first Arm-based processor, promising enhanced performance and energy efficiency. Google Axion’s processors allow businesses to deploy workloads on this next-generation technology, potentially experiencing a 30% performance improvement over baseline instances and a staggering 50% leap over x86-based instances. Energy efficiency surpasses all existing processor options.
  • Next-generation general-purpose VMs: Google Cloud introduced a new generation of compute engine VMs powered by their fourth-generation internal processor. What does this mean for you? Superior price-to-performance with flexible vCPU-to-memory ratios.
  • X4 Memory-optimised VMs: Businesses can now leverage Google Cloud’s new X4 memory-optimised instances in preview mode. Google designed these VMs explicitly for database workloads and SQL servers.

Note: The new processors and instances are designed to provide the best price-performance ratio in the market.

Developer Cloud: Where innovation and AI meets efficiency

Advanced developer tools: empowering innovation with Gemini

You are going to love these updates if you are a developer! Google shared some exciting updates to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity:

  • AI-powered development with Gemini Code Assist: Formerly known as Duet AI for Developers, Gemini Code Assist is now generally available. This powerful tool leverages AI to streamline development workflows by assisting with code writing, commenting, optimisation, testing, and explaining code sections or entire codebases.
  • Full codebase awareness for large-scale changes: A new preview feature, full codebase awareness empowers developers to implement large-scale modifications across entire codebases using a single prompt. This functionality can add features, facilitate version upgrades, or conduct code reviews. It is particularly valuable for smaller development teams.
  • Code customisation for tailored assistance: You can customise Gemini Code Assist to perfectly fit your business needs. This is achieved by connecting the tool to their private codebases and knowledge sources, enabling the assistant to guide developers towards relevant internal documentation or existing systems within the organisation.
  • Expanding 3rd party integrations: The ecosystem surrounding Gemini Code Assist is continuously growing. Google Cloud is expanding third-party integrations, offering developers a growing pool of compatible tools and functionalities.
  • Cloud Assist is your AI-powered Cloud Management buddy. It offers AI-powered guidance for various aspects of cloud application management, spanning design, operation, troubleshooting, and optimization.
    • Simplified deployment with architectural configuration generation: Describe your desired outcome, and Cloud Assist will generate an architecture configuration aligned with your needs. It can even explain the reasoning behind the configuration and create a multi-step run.

Storage solutions for cloud security and everyday needs

Google Cloud offers a comprehensive suite of storage solutions to cater to diverse business requirements:

  • Block Storage (Persistent Disk): Google Cloud announced a new feature called April Fools’ Disk. This playful name reflects its ability to adapt to your application’s compression, reducing the total cost of ownership by a remarkable 30-50%. It is ideal for scenarios where cost reduction is a priority.
  • Cloud storage fuse with caching: Google Cloud also introduced Cloud Storage Fuse with caching, leveraging cloud storage as a file system. This grants compute engine instances access to this space, with the added benefit of local read cache options. This feature accelerates access to small random file input/output operations.
  • Cloud Nat: Google Cloud presented Cloud Nat, a new service currently in preview mode. Cloud Nat streamlines network address translation between your private cloud, on-premises environment, or another provider. This service empowers seamless communication between VMs across various networks.

The following diagram shows a basic Hybrid NAT configuration:

Hybrid NAT feature enables VPC to on-prem communication, unlocking the ability to selectively hide specific subnets.

IT Infrastructure and Apps with Google Cloud: a bright future ahead

The future of cloud computing services and application modernisation is exciting. By adopting these new Google Cloud technologies, businesses can remain competitive. Whether you want to optimise your current IT infrastructure or explore new possibilities, Google Cloud’s latest offerings provide the tools and capabilities needed to succeed.

But navigating this landscape can be daunting. That’s where Devoteam steps in as your trusted advisor and Google Cloud Premier partner. Our certified experts have the knowledge and experience to guide your cloud journey. Get in touch with our trusted experts now!

Ready to explore AI’s potential for your business? Try our AI Discovery Engine to see how these innovations can drive your growth.

What's new in IT Infrastructure & App Modernisation

Stay updated by joining our next “What’s New in IT Infrastructure & App Modernisation?” online event on September 10th. 

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