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Rocks and Sparks – Two sides of the same Change

Dive into our article on the duality of change: how specialized teams turn resistance into collaboration to drive innovation and growth.

Change is a constant force, yet the human response to it is intricate and varied. We can face the enduring strength of “Rocks” and the dynamic energy of “Sparks” and Specialised teams must be aware of these different responses during a change.

The Psychology of Change

Change often triggers a range of emotions, from excitement to fear. 

Resistance, a common response, is rooted in the human instinct to preserve the status quo, represented by the steadfast nature of “Rocks.” They don’t like to change, and they always prefer a secure and controlled environment. They are pragmatic and structured, and very important when change happens. They are the ones who tell us what might go wrong and even lead us in the right direction. 

The “Sparks on the other hand, are moved by excitement and dinamism, they are the other side of the coin and of the changes and the first ones to say “yes” to any challenge.

By acknowledging and understanding these emotional responses, organisations can tailor their approaches to address specific concerns, fears and opportunities.

So which one are you, a Rock or a Spark?

Specialised teams are instrumental in turning resistance and enthusiasm into collaboration, ensuring a smoother transition and enhancing productivity. In the different dimensions of organisational change specially in IT, understanding human behaviour is pivotal to success. 

Empathy as a Catalyst

Specialised teams, equipped with emotional intelligence, play a crucial role in recognizing and empathising with the challenges individuals face during change. Instead of dismissing resistance, these teams can engage with employees, validating their feelings and concerns. This empathy leads to collaboration.

Customised Communication Strategies

People absorb information differently, and a one-size-fits-all communication approach may not resonate with everyone. Specialised teams can tailor communication strategies to address diverse learning styles and preferences, ensuring that messages are not only heard but understood, promoting a sense of clarity and trust.

Cultivating Change Champions

Specialised teams can identify and nurture change champions within the organisation—individuals who are naturally inclined to embrace change and can positively influence their peers. These “sparks” serve as advocates, demonstrating the benefits of change and helping shift the overall perception within the workforce.

Proactive Problem Solving

Resistance often stems from a perceived lack of control or understanding of the change process. Specialised teams can proactively address concerns by establishing clear channels for feedback and problem-solving. By involving these “rocks” in the decision-making process, these teams empower individuals, making them active participants in the change journey.

Continuous Learning and Development

Change is an ongoing process, and it is important to facilitate continuous learning and development. By providing resources, training, and mentorship programs, these teams ensure that employees are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the evolving landscape, reducing anxiety and resistance.


By embracing empathy, customization, and proactive engagement, these teams not only understand the intricacies of individual responses to change but also actively work towards promoting a culture where change is not merely accepted but embraced as an opportunity for growth and innovation. In doing so, organisations can transform resistance into a powerful force for positive transformation.