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The challenging role as a Change Project Manager: An interview with Laura Boar of Devoteam G Cloud

In this series, we’ll put the spotlight on Devoteam G Cloud experts who are always at the forefront of progress in the exciting and ever-changing world of Google Cloud. In this article, you’ll meet Laura Boar, Consultant & Change Project Manager at Devoteam G Cloud Spain. Laura has had a fascinating and challenging journey, from her early days in a small company to her current position managing major technology projects. Join us in this interview to learn more about her career, her day to day life and the advice she has for those aspiring to work in this field.

Could you briefly introduce yourself and your role as Google Consultant & Change Project Manager at Devoteam?

Hi! I’m Laura Boar, Consultant & Change Project Manager at Devoteam G Cloud Spain, I’m mainly focused on managing change projects related to Google Workspace, Data and Artificial Intelligence. My goal is to help organizations adopt and leverage these technologies, ensuring that the transition is as smooth as possible and that the tools are used optimally to maximize their value. It’s a challenging but very rewarding job!

How did you get to this position?

Well, my path to this position was unconventional. After finishing college, I worked as a sales clerk while looking for opportunities in technology. It was a time of many interviews, especially with a small company called MyG. After a year of interviews, I finally joined MyG, which at the time only had three employees. We grew quickly and eventually Devoteam acquired MyG. That’s where my real adventure with Devoteam began about ten years ago.

During my time at Devoteam, I have gone through several transitions due to the acquisition of different companies. I’ve held a variety of roles, from Administration and Billing to Marketing and Customer Success, even training. Back then, we didn’t have a Change Management department, so I was involved in multiple areas. Over time, my career evolved to join the Operations department, where I now manage projects related to Google Workspace, Data and Artificial Intelligence.

Why did you choose a career in technology?

Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by technology and computers. At the age of 15, I was hacking wifis with Backtrack Linux open source. I’ve always been a bit of a geek for computers, video games and technology in general. I feel I was born with a natural talent for this. Some people are better at technology and others not so much; I was lucky that I was good at it. My passion for computers, cell phones and all sorts of technological gadgets is what led me to choose a career in this field. It’s something that has always made me excited and curious.

What is a typical day like at Devoteam G Cloud?

I usually work from home, although there are also days when I go to the office. My day starts early; I get up, get ready and by eight in the morning I’m already in my office at home, a room I’ve set up to work comfortably. At noon I take a lunch break. My day includes a lot of meetings, research and document creation. I love to take advantage of the free time I have during the day to go to the gym, either early in the morning at 7 a.m. or after work. Staying active helps me stay focused and energetic to tackle the day. Every day is different, which keeps things interesting and allows me to constantly learn.

Could you share some examples of real projects you have worked on?

Sure, most of the projects I have worked on are related to Google Workspace. Throughout my career at Devoteam, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with more than five hundred clients, mainly in Spain, although I have also worked in London. In addition, I have had the unique experience of having influential people in my classes, which is always exciting.

Recently, I have been involved in Data projects, where we are finalizing Change Management with a migration of reports from Power BI to Looker. In addition, there have been a lot of AI projects coming up lately, which has been a great opportunity to continue learning and growing professionally. I love to see how these projects not only benefit companies, but also positively impact their employees, improving efficiency and job satisfaction.

How do you collaborate with other teams or departments within Devoteam G Cloud?

I mostly collaborate with other teams and departments through chat, email and project management tools like Jira. These platforms allow us to communicate efficiently, track the progress of projects and make sure everyone is aligned and on top of developments. Coordination and constant communication are key to the success of our projects. I love working in a team because I always learn something new from my colleagues. We also have regular meetings to share ideas and solve problems together.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a Consultant & Change Project Manager at Devoteam G Cloud or in general?

The most important advice I can give is to have confidence in yourself. For me, confidence is even more important than experience or knowledge, as these skills are acquired along the way. Self-confidence allows you to face challenges with a positive and proactive attitude, which is essential in the role of Consultant & Change Project Manager, or in any role. Being confident in your abilities will help you make decisions, lead and manage effectively. It is also crucial to be willing to learn and adapt constantly. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because you learn a lot from them.

What is the best thing about your job?

What I enjoy most about my job is the freedom to be able to manage projects with clients in the way I consider most appropriate. This freedom within the necessary points to ensure the success of the project allows me to achieve maximum satisfaction for both the client and myself. Being able to make decisions and adapt strategies according to the specific needs of each project is something I am really passionate about. I also really enjoy seeing the positive results of projects and how they impact the organization.

What are the most challenging aspects of your job as a Consultant & Change Project Manager and how do you overcome them?

One of the most challenging aspects of my job is handling very demanding or picky clients, which is inevitable when dealing with a large number of clients. The way I manage these situations is to make sure I do the best job possible, so that I can have a clear conscience knowing that I have done everything in my power to meet the client’s expectations and needs. I always look for the best way to communicate and resolve any issues that arise. I strive to maintain a positive and proactive attitude, and always try to learn from each experience to improve in the future.

What makes this role challenging?

One of the most significant challenges is handling very demanding, indecisive or picky customers, as I mentioned earlier. As for the technological developments, I don’t see it as a challenge, but rather as an opportunity for continuous improvement. Likewise, I do not consider the increase in the level of knowledge required in different projects as a challenge either, since it is knowledge that I acquire and that allows me to grow professionally. For me, every challenge is a learning and professional development opportunity. I love to be always updated and learning new skills.

Your job in 1 sentence?

A job that I think many would like.

What is your best moment as a G Clouder?

Right now, the current one. And it’s always going to be the best moment I’m in at the time. I value every stage of my career and every project I work on, taking advantage of the opportunities and challenges present. Every day brings something new and exciting, and I love being constantly evolving. I am grateful for all the experiences and learnings I have had along the way.

How would you describe your team? How do you move together?

I couldn’t ask for a better team. We work in a harmonious way in an environment that I doubt you will find in many other companies. Each team member brings his or her experience and skills to ensure the success of our projects and our well-being. We support each other and we are always willing to collaborate and learn together. We have great communication and understand each other very well.

What does “GO BIG” mean to you?

“GO BIG” to me means two things: fully committing to one’s own initiatives, strategically investing in resources and technologies to leverage growth potential, and taking bold and innovative approaches to solving complex problems.

Can you give an example of a time when you acted big?

Venturing into a career in technology after graduating from college with a degree in philology.

Your job in 1 word is … ?



The job of Project Change Manager for Google Cloud Solutions is challenging due to the scale and complexity of the projects, the fast pace of work, the diversity of stakeholders, the potential impact of changes and the culture of innovation. Despite these challenges, the position offers the opportunity to work on high-impact projects, learn and grow in a dynamic environment, and collaborate with talented people.

In this interview, Laura Boar revealed how her passion for technology and innovation are central to her role as Consultant & Change Project Manager. Her ability to overcome challenges and lead high-impact technology projects reflects Devoteam G Cloud’s commitment and excellence. Laura motivates us to embrace change as an opportunity to grow and transform the technology landscape, inspiring us all to pursue our goals with determination and vision.

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