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Iván Valbuena: Exploring the World of Data with a Senior Data Engineer from Devoteam G Cloud

In this series, we focus on the experts at Devoteam G Cloud who are always at the forefront of progress in the exciting and ever-changing world of Google Cloud. In this article, you will meet Iván Valbuena Gálvez, Senior Data Engineer at Devoteam G Cloud Spain. Iván is not only a leader in the field of data but also a passionate innovator within the Google Cloud ecosystem. With his experience and knowledge, he is transforming the way our clients manage and optimise their data. Let’s discover what a day in his life looks like and what drives him in his work.


Hello, Iván! Thank you for taking the time for this interview. To start, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your role as a Data Engineer at Devoteam G Cloud?

Iván Valbuena Gálvez: A brief introduction

Hello! My name is Iván Valbuena Gálvez, and I currently work as a Senior Data Engineer at Devoteam G Cloud. I have always been passionate about technology and love to dive into as many topics as possible, which helps me daily to provide technical solutions to our clients’ needs and add value to their business.

What does a typical day at Devoteam G Cloud look like?

In my day-to-day work, I collaborate with an international client, so English is essential during the various technical and business meetings. Together with the rest of the team, we analyse all the points discussed in these meetings to create the client’s infrastructure in GCP, distributed across different projects within their Data department.

Additionally, I am involved in technical decisions and in managing the Spanish team that this client has.

Could you share some examples of real projects you’ve worked on?

Of course! During my time at Devoteam, I have mostly worked for L’Oreal Paris, helping to build their Data Factory.

I started working with this client in a support team, resolving issues with active projects. With a solid work methodology, best practices, and gradually understanding the entire L’Oreal Data Factory, we’ve gained trust and evolved into a team of up to 12 Spanish Devoteamers responsible for building new projects for the client, using numerous GCP technologies such as BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Cloud Workflows, Pub/Sub, Cloud Run, and more.

Additionally, in my particular case, I have the role of both Team and Tech Lead, which means I am involved in technical decisions made at the L’Oreal EMEA level and in the management of the team.

How do you collaborate with other teams or departments within Devoteam G Cloud?

At the international level, within the L’Oreal project itself, we work closely with professionals from Devoteam France and Serbia. On the other hand, within Devoteam G Cloud Spain, all departments work together to offer the highest possible quality to our clients.

For example, the operations department (which includes me) works very closely with the pre-sales team, both to help estimate and define certain projects, and to gather information on solutions proposed to other clients that might be useful for active projects.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a Data Engineer?

Ivan Valbuena corporative photo

The main piece of advice, which I believe has been the most useful to me, is not to be afraid of taking on tasks or projects that you don’t fully master beforehand, as it is the best way to learn something new.

Another very important aspect, closely related to the previous one, is overcoming the hesitation to raise your hand and ask any questions you may have. There will always be more experienced professionals who will be happy to offer their support.

What is the best part of your job?

Being in a position of responsibility allows me to have an overall vision of the entire Data Factory I work in. This, along with the client’s trust, enables me to contribute my ideas and proposals and see how they are implemented to improve the infrastructure I work with.

Additionally, I am in contact with a wide range of people, both inside and outside of Spain, which allows me to enrich myself with their knowledge in various areas.

What are the most challenging aspects of your job as a Data Engineer, and how do you overcome them?

Keeping up with all the changes and new tools is a difficult challenge to overcome, as time is limited. In my case, I enjoy experimenting with new technologies on my own and even proposing them to the client. I also ask my colleagues about the different tools and strategies used in other Devoteam projects.

For example, we encountered a limitation with a GCP tool that had a maximum execution time of 1 hour. Given our data volume, the execution times exceeded this limit, so we had to reinvent our approach with another newly launched GCP tool, which addressed the problem perfectly.

What makes this role challenging? / What challenges do you face?

Time management and setting priorities correctly are the main challenges. Being involved in numerous activities, decisions, and projects, with only a finite amount of time, makes it essential to manage it in the best possible way.

Describe your work in one sentence.

Creating a healthy and pleasant work environment that helps deliver the best possible service to the client, following best practices and maintaining a critical mindset to make good decisions.

What has been your best moment as a G Clouder?

I fondly remember the awards I’ve received through votes from my colleagues, such as the best team player award I received this year, or the best Devoteam team award won alongside the amazing L’Oreal team. These moments show that the work we are doing is having a significant impact.

How would you describe your team? How do you work together?

It may sound like a cliché, but I never would have imagined that my first team in the professional world could be so good. Both inside and outside the L’Oreal project, there is an extraordinary working atmosphere where people don’t hesitate to share their knowledge and help others as much as they can.

In my specific project, we always aim to row in the same direction, focusing on fixing anything that is not working well and maintaining or improving what is going well. When faced with a problem, the important thing is to look for solutions, not blame.

Why did you choose a career in Data?

I have always had a strong interest in technology, and in my final years at university, I had the opportunity to learn about the world of data and its importance.

I realised that in countless sectors—AI, marketing, sales, analytics—the prerequisite for good performance is having a sufficient amount of high-quality data, so I decided to focus my career on this field.

What challenges arose during your recent project, and how did you overcome them?

The main challenge this year has been transitioning to the role of tech and team lead. The responsibilities I’ve taken on and my limited experience in these types of roles have required me to push myself further to learn and adapt to my new objectives while continuing to deliver the same or better quality service to the client.

Go Big: What does it mean to you?

To me, GO BIG means not settling for the bare minimum, but going the extra mile and showcasing our abilities to their fullest extent.

Can you give an example of a time when you went big?

During my first few years on the L’Oreal project, despite being part of a team supposedly focused only on resolving incidents, I made and got involved in numerous proposals that improved the quality and efficiency of the client’s infrastructure, even though they were outside my scope. I believe that it’s thanks to these types of situations that I’ve been able to make a name for myself and earn the responsibility I have today.

Describe your work in one word…



I have almost always been able to adapt to circumstances, despite all the adversities and difficulties I’ve faced (whether health-related or work-related), to find solutions and keep moving forward.

Iván Valbuena Gálvez is a shining example of how passion for technology and commitment to teamwork can lead to success in the competitive world of Google Cloud. As Iván says, “The main piece of advice is not to be afraid of taking on tasks or projects that you don’t fully master beforehand, as it’s the best way to learn something new”.

Ivan Valbuena - Set the pace. Move together Go big

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