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Collibra enhances employee communication and productivity with the LumApps platform

The company wanted to increase engagement amongst its workforce and improve employee communication, collaboration, and productivity throughout Collibra’s entire organisation. Since the implementation of LumApps, Collibra has confirmed that employees within the company are engaging with each other more & internal communications have become more efficient.

colibra devoteam g cloud

In Short


Migration to LumApps intranet platform


Increased internal communications & employee engagement in one central hub


Long-term goal is to achieve regular daily adoption of the platform by its employees


BrieAnn Osgood

At Collibra, we knew we needed to have a place where employees could go to learn of company news and information, while also engaging and connecting with one another. We were looking to fill a communications gap and LumApps was the right answer for us.

The Problem

Collibra’s primary internal communication tools were Gmail and Slack. However, the company wanted one central, integrated hub where employees could directly communicate with targeted teams as well as all employees on a regular basis.

The Goal

There was one main objective: Collibra was looking for a central platform for employees to communicate and engage with one another, albeit with business critical information or not.

The Solution

After engaging with subject-matter experts in multiple divisions (namely marketing, IT, people, and legal teams), Collibra chose to implement the LumApps platform to manage its internal communications. LumApps is the answer to Collibra’s challenges as the company wanted a more integrated and effective employee communication and collaboration tool. 

→ Download the full customer story here

Discover why Collibra’s teams are recognising the value of an internal communications tool within their digital workplace.  

In this customer story you’ll discover:

  • The Original Problem
  • The Goal
  • The Solution
  • The Methodology
  • The Result
  • Why Collibra enjoyed collaborating with the Digital Workplace experts of Devoteam G Cloud.