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Telkomsel Leverages Gen AI to Transform Users Interactions

Google Cloud

Devoteam G Cloud Indonesia plays a  role as a provided expertise and support to Telkomsel in developing and integrating a sophisticated gen AI-powered search assistant functionality into the MyTelkomsel app. This search assistant offers intuitive auto-completion, natural language understanding, and personalized search results, enabling MyTelkomsel users to more quickly and intuitively resolve their needs and common issues through a conversational exploration experience, rather than rigid keyword searches. By leveraging Devoteam’s capabilities as a Google Cloud partner, Telkomsel is able to enhance the overall customer experience on its MyTelkomsel app as part of the company’s broader efforts to transform customer interactions across its digital channels through the integration of advanced gen AI technologies.

About the customer

Telkomsel is a leading digital telecommunications company that continues to unlock opportunities and possibilities by providing digital connectivity, digital platforms, and digital services that bring the benefits of technology to all levels of society across the country. Telkomsel has been consistently deploying 4G mobile broadband networks, 5G networks, and enriching innovative digital solutions spanning Mobile Gaming, Digital Entertainment, Digital Lifestyle, Mobile Financial Services, Enterprise Solutions, and the Internet of Things. Telkomsel also offers integrated IndiHome fixed broadband services as part of the company’s commitment to implementing leading Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) capabilities in Indonesia. During its 28 years of existence, Telkomsel has served more than 158.3 million mobile customers and more than 8.5 million fixed (IndiHome-Consumer) customers across the nation. Supported by more than 233,000 base transceiver stations and leading 4G and 5G broadband technology, Telkomsel serves 97 percent of Indonesia’s population and accounts for 65 percent of the total payload (mobile and fixed) broadband users throughout Indonesia.

The Challenges

Telkomsel faced various challenges regarding the development of the MyTelkomsel application, which focuses on the application of Generative AI technology. One of the main challenges was the integration of this new technology into the existing system. The MyTelkomsel application has various features and infrastructure that have been built before, so integrating AI-based search assistants and other new functionality requires significant adjustments. Telkomsel must ensure that this transition does not disrupt the existing user experience, while still improving the functionality of the application. This requires careful planning and in-depth testing to avoid potential technical issues that could affect user satisfaction.

In addition, Telkomsel must face the challenge of understanding and analyzing user data effectively. With the large volume of data generated by users of the MyTelkomsel application, identifying usage patterns and preferences becomes a complex task. Devoteam G Cloud Indonesia and Google Cloud need to assist Telkomsel in developing analytics algorithms that can process data efficiently and provide valuable insights. This challenge includes not only data processing, but also ensuring that the resulting insights can be translated into concrete actions, such as personalized offers and improved application features that suit user needs.

Data security and privacy are also significant challenges. With increasing concerns about personal data protection, Telkomsel must ensure that all solutions implemented are not only effective but also safe. Devoteam G Cloud Indonesia and Google Cloud need to work together to implement strict security measures, including data encryption and proper access control. This challenge includes developing clear policies and procedures for handling sensitive data, as well as ensuring that users feel safe when using the MyTelkomsel application. Failure to address these challenges could result in a loss of trust from customers and a negative impact on the company’s reputation.

The Solutions

Devoteam G Cloud Indonesia and Google Cloud provide a comprehensive solution to Telkomsel in developing the MyTelkomsel application by utilizing the power of Generative AI technology and the Vertex AI platform. One of the main focuses of this solution is to create a more intuitive and responsive user experience. By integrating an AI-based search assistant, users can interact with the application through natural conversation, allowing them to quickly find the information they need, such as products, company policies, internal news, and other operational services. This approach not only improves efficiency in information search, but also provides a more pleasant experience for users, reducing the frustration that often occurs with rigid keyword searches.

In addition, Devoteam G CIoud Indonesia and Google Cloud offer in-depth data analysis to help Telkomsel understand the usage patterns and needs of users of the MyTelkomsel application. By utilizing data from various sources, including Google Cloud BigQuery and Datastore, they can identify emerging trends and preferences among users. This allows Telkomsel to provide more personalized recommendations, increase the relevance of the content offered, and ultimately, increase user satisfaction. With this capability, Telkomsel can respond to customer needs more proactively, creating a stronger relationship between the company and its users.

Data security and privacy are also top priorities in the solutions offered. Devoteam G Cloud Indonesia and Google Cloud implement best practices in cybersecurity to protect sensitive user data during the integration process and application usage. With strict security policies and encryption technology, Telkomsel can ensure that user information remains safe from outside threats. In addition, this solution is designed to be scalable, allowing Telkomsel to add new features and support future user growth without sacrificing performance or security.

Vertex AI has revolutionized the Telco industry, enabling us to surpass previous limitations and redefine what’s achievable. Our experience with the platform has been transformative, inspiring a fresh perspective on implementing Vertex AI Search. We’re immensely proud of our successful deployment of a solution that not only elevates our capabilities but also delivers a significant impact on the industry.

We aim that even the traditional users able to use MyTelkomsel without hassle and confusion. With the implementation of Google search, in less than 90 days, we doubled the product search traffic, increased purchaser by +19.8% from search clicks users.

The Results

The results of the collaboration between Telkomsel, Devoteam G Cloud Indonesia, and Google Cloud in developing the MyTelkomsel application show a significant impact on user experience and operational efficiency. One of the key achievements is the implementation of a Generative AI-based search assistant that allows users to interact with the application more intuitively. With natural language processing capabilities, the assistant is able to understand and answer user queries quickly and accurately, reducing the time required to search for information below 3 seconds. Users can now easily find services, promos, and important information by simply asking questions directly, which in turn increases user satisfaction and strengthens customer loyalty to the app.

In addition, in-depth data analysis resulting from the implementation of Google Cloud-based solutions has provided valuable insights for Telkomsel. By utilizing advanced analytics tools, Telkomsel can better identify user usage patterns and preferences. As a result, the company can formulate more effective marketing strategies and offer personalized recommendations to users. For example, Telkomsel can send relevant special offers based on usage habits, which not only increases engagement but also encourages increased sales and use of the services offered.

User data security is also one of the positive results of this collaboration. By implementing strict security measures, including encryption and access control, Telkomsel can ensure that sensitive user data is well protected. This not only meets applicable regulations, but also increases user confidence in the MyTelkomsel application. Users feel more secure in using the application, which has a positive impact on the overall adoption and usage rate of the application.

The close collaboration between Telkomsel, Devoteam, and Google Cloud teams also resulted in strong synergy in application development. Through effective communication and knowledge exchange, the three parties managed to overcome the technical challenges that arose and ensure smooth implementation of the solution. As a result, Telkomsel has not only successfully improved the MyTelkomsel application but also strengthened its position as a leader in the telecommunications industry in Indonesia. With continuous innovation, Telkomsel can adapt quickly to changing market and technology needs, ensuring that the MyTelkomsel application remains relevant and competitive in the future.

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