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Empowering women in tech

Fourcast team women in tech

Someday there’ll be no female leaders, only leaders!”

I thought I’d start this blog post with this quote that was used many times early this month as we celebrated Women’s International Right’s Day on the 8th of March.

At Fourcast, we’re focusing on closing the gender gap in the tech industry: this industry that is predominantly attractive to men. In this short article, we’d like to share with you our thoughts on how we think we can invite women to be part of the tech world and what we’re doing to close the gap!

Women have a role and place in the technology industry. We believe that having gender-balanced teams generates a higher success rate in our projects and happier customers.

Where are the women?

Looking back at the origins of jobs in technology, coding was mainly owned by highly skilled male developers. Back in the day, women were encouraged to work in more nurturing roles such as teachers, nurses, doctors etc. With access to education, women have started to spark interest in coding and technology in general, working in very technical roles as well as other roles. However, the industry is still mainly male.

How to attract women in Tech?

We believe that the technology industry has a lot to offer, even if you don’t have a background in tech. Of course, if you would like to be a developer for example, you will need to undertake the required courses and certifications. But the tech industry is much larger than that!

We can think of a couple of roles needed in the industry such as project manager, change manager, sales reps, support agents and many more that require not only technical skills but also common sense and business experience, for example. Most of the time, such skills can be gained in the field and over time, or with other than very technical degrees, so without per se a degree in data science.

What are we doing about it?

At Fourcast, we want to make the technology industry more accessible to women. Apart from encouraging women to apply for a job at our company, we’re taking the first steps towards contributing to that goal by organising a public event ‘Women in Tech: Inspire. Dream. Do.’ in June.

At the event, speakers from very diverse backgrounds will share their experience on how they got to the position they are currently at. Other topics are how they got introduced to the tech sector and what their challenges have been.

We believe that by learning from each other, we grow with each other.

So, someday, we hope to say that there’ll be no “female” leaders… just leaders. But we still have a long way to go! If you’re a woman and you’re wondering what the opportunities in tech are, we strongly encourage you to join our free Women in Tech event on June 5th

Check the details and register by hitting the button below:


Women in tech team at fourcast 
In the picture: our ‘Women in tech’ team at Fourcast

Women in tech Event 5 June Brussels banner